the page i’m on

from under the streetlight, 

she waves goodbye
and i am ruined until
we meet again this time
always and forever
collides with happily after never.

4:43 a.m. and she is an electric blanket
in a tsunami of desire
and all of a sudden
the fade from dream to reality
returns like a morning glory in full bloom.

she is the candle to my flame
with a trick wick and runaway lips.
she is the elusive fox in my vineyard—

running in circles, onward and inward.

[proximity is the bastard child 

of ethics and relativity.]

leave me alone, don’t leave!
stay in my arms because tomorrow isn’t promised
and the carolina coast meets cocoa beach 

and she is more than just a degree of science
in a world of fiction.

i want restricted. i want real.
i want anything but fine thanks.
i want monday.
i want tuesday too.
i want to know your favorite song 

and what awakens the sleeping volcano within you
(neglected dogs, for example).
i want you to know that i know
and i hear what you’re not saying.

i want close. and i want sun.
i want hope when there is none.
i want forever, just like you—
bloody and real and true.

i want voltage in your eyes

Leon J. Winter | | YT Reading of the page i’m on